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2016. szeptember 24., szombat

Mirr Murri by Sieve

8.2 inches (21 centimeters)

100% hand-made cat.21/44cm
From very delicate grey artificial fur készitettem., pattern ( patern).
I put his face on onto character one likewise without pattern.
His head it is possible to move it slightly. His limbs are fitted with little buttons and very strong thread in order to be mobile.
His neck antikolt satin band grey shining spangle.
Humorous character. Chubby, plump, but after all elegant kitten, with an expressive face.
The kitten is looking for a good home where the home may have an ornament for the room
Not children's play.
Character cat, please see that a unique one is work.
To the cat certificat + QR a code is due.
I recommend it to collectors.
I thank you for having inspected it. 

Gabi Sieve

Milyen jó, ha az embert becsvágyak fűtik! Még szerencse, hogy nekem annyi van. És az egészben az a legjobb, hogy soha nem fogyok ki belőlük! Amint elérem az egyik célt, már ott ragyog előttem a másik. Ettől olyan érdekes az élet. Lucy 
Maud Montgomery

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